About Russ

You might find Russ J. Alan playing music, cooking, downhill skiing or even writing political articles.  Some say he’s even been spotted driving 18 wheelers across the USA – a rumor Russ “will neither confirm nor deny“.


You might call Russ a multi-instrumentalist.  He started playing piano as a young child, picked up the guitar as a pre-teenager, started messing around with the blues harmonica and mandolins as an adult and as a “senior citizen” he started playing the 5-string banjo.  Russ arranges piano music pieces and puts together guitar and banjo tablature (tabs).


Russ J. Alan’s politically conservative articles have appeared on several websites such as USDailyReview.com, USAToday.com, WSJ.com ( Wall Street Journal online) USNews.com, NPR.org and RenewAmerica.com.


Russ served in the former Strategic Air Command (1978-1980) in the American Northwest and United States Air Forces in Europe (1980-1982) during the Cold War under Jimmy Carter and President Reagan (1980-1982). He served at Royal Air Force Upper Heyford, England, the air base from which the 1986 F-111 bombings of Moammar Gaddafi in Libya were launched, also one of the NATO bases closed later by Bill Clinton.


After working in mechanical engineering (1983-1992), Russ was involved in business development, marketing, and the financial sector (1992-2001). He then worked in commercial construction (2001-2006).  


Russ learned how to ski in Montana’s Rocky Mountain continental divide at the Teton Pass Ski Area ski area in Augusta, Montana, and Showdown Ski Area in The Little Belt Mountains of Neihart, Montana.  He spent an entire ski season in the early 1990’s working at America’s first destination ski resort, Sun Valley Idaho.  


In addition to playing his stringed instruments, he enjoys going to auctions, selling on Ebay, cooking, brewing homemade beer, gardening, tending to his laying hens, hiking with his dog and sometimes metal detecting for old buried coins.

Visit Russ’s website at RussJAlan.com. You can e-mail him at [email protected] or on Russ J. Alan’s facebook page.