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In business there are two main personality types: workers and managers.

Workers are interested in the process of producing. Managers are bored by the production process, and are interested only in the “bottom line“: the finished task or product which they have ordered to be done.

In the mind of a manager, if things go bad, say the numbers are down, it is because “the workers have not done their job very well.” “The workers have made mistakes“. On the other hand, if things go well, and the numbers are up, “management has done an excellent job.” In other words, management takes credit for the success of a business, and passes the blame to labor in the event of failure. This belief system can also be stated as “Workers are incapable of doing a good job, and management is incapable of making mistakes.”

While in the womb, a person is wired to be a worker or a manager. His direction is later further effected by whether his parents set rules for him or allow him to set rules for THEM. The young manager kicks and screams, and his parents frantically begin offering toys and/or putting bottles or food into his mouth until the tantrum stops, as the child becomes increasing impressed with his ability to control his employees. He begins using his learned manipulative talents in his interactions with those whom his parent’s mistakenly believe is his peers. Watch young children playing together. You will see which children patiently work with the toys, and which children instruct and direct the activities.

In order for the order giver to become a manager, he goes to college and majors in business (because this is the easiest course of study, requiring less work (which is attractive to him, because he is a manager, and really doesn‘t want to work)).

Why is a college degree such an important prerequisite for a management position in America?

While in business college, during the time when he isn’t “binge drinking” and/or having group sex, the young manager is taught by his Marxist professors that capitalism is bad and socialism is good, corporations pollute the earth, profit is immoral, et cetera, then he graduates with this poison in his brain and off he goes to a management “POSITION” in the American marketplace!

In the old days, smart companies would “promote from within”. Upper management would instruct middle management to identify the best producers on the production line, and promote them to “team leaders”. This would create job openings for laborers. When upper management retired, middle managers were promoted to upper management, the best of the team leaders were promoted to middle management, and new team leaders were picked from among the laborers, and so on.

These days, companies largely do not promote from within, but on the occasion that they do, a laborer who is a good producer will remain on the production line, and those who produce at the lowest output levels are promoted to management. As stated by Dogbert in Scott Adams’ Dilbert comic strip of February 5, 1995, “leadership is nature’s way of removing morons from the productive flow”.
During the corporate “downsizing” craze of the late 1990’s when many laborers were “laid off”, smart companies like AT&T downsized their middle management ranks instead, and through “empowerment“ they allowed front line workers to make certain management decisions which the worker believed would benefit the company as well as the customer. The idea was brilliant.

Aren’t businesses in business to make profit for producing a product or service? Why then do they hire managers (or laborers for that matter) who are anti-capitalists? Why do they promote entitlement-mentality, non-producers to management? Can the American economy survive when company decision makers have contempt for capitalism and very little knowledge of economics?

Is this the way YOU are running YOUR company?

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